Project Location: Oakton Virginia - Walkway/Patio Combination
Problem: Our client had an area between the deck and driveway that was always wet, thus very muddy.They wanted a clean walking surface to eliminate the mud and make it easier to access the deck. Since the property was sloped toward the house, we anticipated the need for major grading to redirect the water. They also asked for screening from the street to provide privacy for the deck area. Overall they were hoping to fix the problems and make an otherwise forgotten space, beautiful, charming and an asset to the home.
Our number one goal was to create a unique and custom solution. We began by talking to the client on site to get a feel for their style. We looked at all angles of the deck from the street and the street from the deck. Since the grade was sloped toward the house, we saw an opportunity and added a stone seat wall. The wall made room for planting and also helped define the patio area. The sidewalk from the driveway was 4’ wide and opened up onto a small patio space. Among the wall, walk and patio, we filled the planting spaces with an array of trees, shrubs and perennials. A side yard that was once grass and mud was completely transformed into a unique, functional and beautiful transition area.