Yellow Iris blooming in May spread quickly and help slow down the water.
Project: Stormwater Runoff Management
Problem: A seriously eroded road side ditch (about 2’ deep) was im-possible to mow and rain water was continuing to wash away the soil.Solution: We filled the deepest part of the ditch with large rocks and construction debris, covered it with landscape fabric and topsoil, and a variety of colorful plantings. River Jack was added as a mulch to keep the topsoil from eroding during heavy rains. Our goal was to slow down the rainwater and allow it to percolate through the plantings/stone, supple-menting the groundwater instead of eroding the existing soil.

Astilbe blooming in June.

Cardinal Flower

Chelone ‘Hot Lips’

Cardinal Flower draws hummingbirds and butterflies in July & August.
Native plantings such as iris, chelone, cardinal flower, asters, daisy and the non native but water loving astilbe provide color for the homeowner and nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies and other insects.